
Showing posts from December, 2019

The Clarity Mystical Orb

This year was very productive.  After some trials and tribulations the Clarity Mystical Orb has arrived and is now available for sale.  The challenges were the insert which needed to be hand painted and had to be the right weight as to not break the glass.  It took all year, but I am very happy to announce it's arrival and it is now on sale on my site I was so into the idea of have a divine toy for adults, based on the Clarity premise that all things are meant to be if you believe.  This Next Generation Magic 8 ball is color coded based on the Clarity Game and Chakras.  It looks like a crystal ball and will fit in to any spiritual area like your crystal table or meditation area.  Retails for 34.95  It makes such a thoughtful gift and is super fun to ad to the Clarity Game to get more than just yes and no answers but to get the colors that correspond to the different coding. Purple- Mental Red- Emotional Orange-Spirit...